
  • Nazima Mohammed Farook Malek Research Scholar
  • Dr. Swati Dave




Customer Satisfaction, Telecommunication, Telecom Sector, Customer Loyalty


In the telecommunications industry, renowned for its customer-centric approach, this research delves into the vital connection between customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study comprehensively reviews existing literature, drawing insights from diverse geographical regions. This meticulous analysis uncovers both common threads and disparities within the current body of research, providing valuable guidance for scholars and researchers navigating the intricate landscape of customer satisfaction and loyalty within the telecom sector. Additionally, the review illuminates the evolving definitions of customer loyalty, ranging from observable behaviours to profound commitment, while delineating three distinct approaches to measurement. This systematic exploration underscores the contemporary shift in business strategy, highlighting the transition from a focus on customer acquisition to one centred on retention, ultimately reaffirming the pivotal role of customer loyalty in today's business landscape.


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How to Cite

Malek, N., & Dave, S. (2023). EXPLORING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION AND LOYALTY IN THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS INDUSTRY: A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW. International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 2(4), 95–107. https://doi.org/10.55829/ijmpr.v2i4.193


