



Over-the-Top service, Consumer decision-making, online streaming, viewership


There are several social benefits generated by digital platforms, including facilitating inclusion. Communication services have been critical in accelerating the inclusion of marginalized users into formal systems, particularly for financial, health, and education services that are enabled by OTT providers. Using OTT platforms places a significant strain on energy resources, services providing music and video streaming have a far lower carbon footprint than traditional physical formats.

Over The Top (OTT) industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The usageofOTTplatformsinIndiahastremendouslyincreasedafterCOVID19.ThereasonsforthisismobilefriendlyandtheoriginalcontentthattheseOTTplatformsprovide.In India, big international players like Netflix entered and changed the entertainment industry making platform for more international as well as Indian OTT platforms. This study focuses on various international OTT platforms in India and their performance in Indian Market. The study attempts to identify current international OTT platform trends with reference to type of shows preferred by customers & investigate OTT platform success factors in India. The research concluded that majority of the people preferred Netflix, followed by Disney+ HotStar and Amazon Prime Video. The respondent’s shows liking towards OTT which focus more on Original Shows and Web Series which gets frequently updating list just like Netflix. It was also observed that Disney+ HotStaris more preferred as they of digital broadcasting partner for big cricket events like IPL and World Cup. The research concludes that localization of content, affordable pricing, high quality picture quality, strong distributorship partnership, good user experience and better after sales services are the major factor for success of international OTT in Indian Market.


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How to Cite

A STUDY ON PREFERENCES OF CONSUMERS TOWARDS INTERNATIONAL OTT PLATFORMS AND SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY IN INDIAN MARKET. (2023). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 2(1), 78-87. https://doi.org/10.55829/ijmpr.v2i1.114

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