
  • Snehal Shah
  • Krunal Rathod




E-wallet, monthly spending, Paperless


An e-wallet also known as digital wallet refers to a device that allows an individual to make electronic commerce transactions quickly and securely. The purpose of the study is to examine consumer perception regards E-wallet. The objective of the study is to finding usage of e-wallet, safety of e-wallet, service of e-wallet, how much easy to use, which device they use for making transaction, average monthly spending via e-wallet, which application they most use, which kind of transaction do they make via e-wallet etc. the study is also helping for the E-Wallet companies that how many people are aware about E-Wallet and how many people are using E-wallet for which types of transaction. How many people are aware from E-wallet. It is safer than cash money since only the legitimate owner who knows the password can operate it. A consumer e-wallet is a standalone software application that you can download and install on your computer, PDA or Smartphone. The main objective of e-wallet is to make paperless money transaction easier.


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How to Cite

A STUDY ON CONSUMER PERCEPTION ON E-WALLET IN AHMEDABAD. (2022). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 1(2), 56-60. https://doi.org/10.55829/ijmpr.v1i2.47