
  • Krishna Khanal
  • Neha Arora



Organizational citizenship behavior, Corporate social responsibility, Organizational identification, Social identity theory, perceived external prestige theory


Purpose-This study aims to explore the influence of faculty perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on their engagement in organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) within Nepal's Business school settings, with organizational identification tested as a mediator.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Data were collected from 298 full-time and part-time Business school faculty members, both inside and outside Kathmandu, using a self-administered questionnaire. Step-wise regression analysis was employed to assess the research hypotheses.

Findings: The findings indicate a positive relationship between faculty perceptions of CSR initiatives and their engagement in OCB. Additionally, organizational identification was found to be positively associated with OCB and partially mediated the relationship between CSR perceptions and OCB.

Practical Applications: These results suggest that enhancing faculty perceptions of CSR could foster greater engagement in OCB, thereby benefiting organizational effectiveness and culture within Business schools. Strategies focusing on CSR communication and fostering organizational identification among faculty may be effective in promoting desired behaviors.

Originality/Value: This study contributes to the literature by integrating insights from social identity theory and perceived external prestige theory in examining CSR perceptions and OCB among faculty in a specific cultural and organizational context, offering practical implications for management practices in educational institutions.


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