Authentic Leadership, Organizational Commitment, Meta-analysis, Random Effects Model, Publication BiasAbstract
In the ever-evolving realm of organizational behavior, the intricate interplay between leadership styles and employee outcomes remains a central focus of scholarly exploration. This meta-analysis delves into the nuanced relationship between "Authentic Leadership" (AL) and "Organizational Commitment" (OC) over the period from 2011 to 2021. Drawing from a comprehensive selection process encompassing 24 primary studies, our investigation, rooted in data from Mendeley, Scopus, and Google Scholar, unveils a positive association between AL and Organizational Commitment. Employing the Random Effects Model, our analysis yields a moderate correlation coefficient (r = 0.43), emphasizing a strategic connection. The exploration extends to publication bias analysis, indicating the reliability and generalizability of our findings. As organizations navigate the dynamics of leadership and commitment, our meta-analysis provides valuable insights for scholars and practitioners alike.
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