
  • Karan Bhatt
  • Shreya Shah
  • Bansari Panchal




Psychology of investors, Behavioral biases, Emotions


PURPOSE – The author aims to examine the psychology of investors and relationship    between different Behavioral biases. Author also examines the impact of emotions influence the behaviour of investors. Author has also mentioned the principal concerns associated to investors.

DESIGN – This study investigates the influence the influence of behavioral biases and emotions on investors. It also studied the relationship between biases through correlation.

ORIGINALITY/VALUE – Prior studies focus merely on the aspect of emotions finance. Our study provides comprehensive outlook on both behavioral finance and emotional finance.


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How to Cite

EMOTIONAL FINANCE: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY ON PSYCHOLOGY OF INVESTORS IN AHMEDABAD. (2022). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 1(3), 53-60. https://doi.org/10.55829/ijmpr.v1i3.63