
  • Dhvani Govani



Layoff , Perception , Employees


This study examines the perception of employees towards layoff policy in an organization. The research aims to identify the factors that affect employee perception of layoff policies and to explore how these perceptions may influence employee attitudes and behavior. A survey was conducted among employees in different industries and positions to gather data on their perception of layoff policies. The results of the study indicate that employees' perception of the fairness of the layoff policy, communication about the policy, and support provided to employees during the layoff process are significant factors that impact employee perception of layoff policies. Moreover, employee perception of layoff policies has a significant influence on their job satisfaction, commitment, and intention to stay with the organization. . The findings of this study provide insights for organizations to improve their layoff policies and communication strategies to better manage employee perceptions during times of organizational change.


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How to Cite

Govani, D. (2023). THE STUDY OF PERCEPTION OF EMPLOYEES TOWARDS LAYOFF POLICY. International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 2(4), 51–62.


