
  • Dr. Asha Rani Anto



Digital surge, Contract work, Internet governance, Electronic payments, Post-pandemic


Due to social conventions that encourage social isolation and widespread lockdowns, the Covid-19 pandemic had inevitably resulted in a rise in the usage of digital devices. Worldwide, individuals and organisations have had to adapt to new ways of living and working. We examine potential outcomes of the digital upsurge and the related research problems. Organizations and educational institutions are converting to work-from-home policies as a result of increased digitalization (WFH). Blockchain technology will grow in importance, necessitating design and regulatory studies. The number of contract workers and the collaborative economy is anticipated to grow, raising issues with how work is distributed, how people collaborate, how people are motivated, and how work overload and reduced absenteeism are affected. With more people online, issues like workplace surveillance and technostress will surface. The effects and causes of the digital literacy may be studied. Internet freedom and zero-rating proposals will also necessitate study. The impact and repercussions of internet shutdowns, which are often used by nations, will also be a major research topic. In times of crisis, electronic money also takes relevance; research will be done on its acceptance, effects, and manner. With more people using the internet, privacy and espionage issues are becoming more important. In light of this, we anticipate that information systems will be used in a similar manner for a while into the conceivable future as they were during the lockdown. Our evaluation of these effects is predicated on the idea that, prior to the pandemic, a digital transformation was already in progress, and that, as a result of the lockdowns, it will take certain shapes. Lockdowns had resulted in an increase in the use of networks and information systems, as well as substantial changes in usage patterns and attitude. The alterations also came quickly, giving organisations and people little opportunity to plan, get ready, and put new configurations and arrangements in place. We look at various situations the increase in information technology pre-& post pandemic.


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How to Cite

TECHNOLOGY AS A COPING TOOL IN PANDEMIC: LEARNINGS FROM THE PRESENT, SUGGESTIONS FOR THE NEXT. (2023). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 2(SpecialIssue), 20-27.

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