
  • Darshi Suraj Shah
  • Dr. Chinmayee Bhatt



Digital Payment, User Opinion, Rural Gujarat, Digital Financial Services


Digital payment is payment without physical exchange of money. Such transactions are done through digital mode in Digital Financial Services industry. Different researchers have studied Various digital payment methods in developed nations but there is a strong research gap for such studies in developing country like India. Research objective for the study is to measure User opinion towards Digital Payment in Rural Gujarat. Study is based on primary research. Data analysis is done using SPSS 26.0. Study provides strong value addition to researchers, academia, industry and society as a whole.


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How to Cite

DIGITAL PAYMENT IN RURAL GUJARAT- AN EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FOR ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT. (2023). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 2(1), 7-16.

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