
  • Dr. Namrata Khatri




Digital Payment, Digital Users


Introduction – With increase use of internet and mobile as well as the initiatives taken by the government have lead to the growth of usage of digital payment. Digital payment helps to develop an efficient payment system which increases the confidence of the customers and increases the transparency in the system. The digital payment is vital for financial formation as it reduces the cost of financial services.

Research Methodology – The present study follows a descriptive research design. The study focuses to identify the factors that are considered while using digital payment and the frequency of usage and modes of digital payment.  The variables for the study are identified through review of literature with modification. The data for the study is primary and is collected through structured questionnaire. The analysis of the data is done through both descriptive as well as inferential statistics like factor analysis. .

Major Findings – The major findings of factor analysis is that the most important factor that is considered by the customers while using digital payment is cost and convenience of use.

Managerial Implications – The outcome of the study would provide an insight to digital payment services providers regarding various factors that customers consider while using digital payment.  This will help the service providers to provide better services as per needs of the customers and will be able to serve them better. 


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How to Cite

FACTORS INFLUENCING CUSTOMER’S TOWARDS DIGITAL PAYMENT – A STUDY OF SURAT CITY. (2023). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 2(1), 108-116. https://doi.org/10.55829/ijmpr.v2i1.117

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