
  • Mr. Heisnam Lakeshwar Singh
  • Dr. S. Keshorjit Singh
  • Dr. Laishram Prabhakar Singh




Transformational leadership, Transactional leadership, Leadership Style, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Spearman Correlation Coefficient and Covid-19 Pandemic


The paper studies the transactional and transformational styles of leadership and established the effective style that influences organizational effectiveness. It aimed at exploring and elaborating the styles of leadership (Transactional and Transformational) for managing small and medium firms in Manipur during Covid 19 pandemic. The study adopts survey and interview techniques and 98 employees from 25 small and medium firms in Manipur, India are considered as sample. The data are analysed using ordinal regression and the spearman correlation coefficient. It has been found that 55% of leadership effectiveness is subject to exhibition of either transactional or transformational leadership style. It has been found that leadership effectiveness is increased by 2.213 for every unit increase in transformational leadership style. On the other hand for every unit increase in transactional leadership style, effectiveness increased by 1.329. The result shows that transformational leadership style is more effective than transactional style in managing the Small and Medium firms in Manipur

This study is an attempt to determine effective leadership style whether transactional or transformational for managing small and medium firms in Manipur during Covid 19 pandemic. A sample of 98 employees from small and medium firms in Manipur was taken for the research using Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ (Form 5x-Short). The data were analysed using ordinal regression and the spearman correlation coefficient. It has been found that 55% of leadership effectiveness is subject to exhibition of either transactional or transformational leadership style. The study highlighted that leadership effectiveness is increased by 2.213 for every unit increase in transformational leadership style as compare to transactional style. However, for every unit increase in transactional leadership style, leadership effectiveness increased by 1.329. The above comparison shows that transformational leadership style is more effective than transactional leadership style in Small and Medium firms in Manipur. This study is an attempt to determine effective leadership style whether transactional or transformational for managing small and medium firms in Manipur during Covid 19 pandemic. A sample of 98 employees from small and medium firms in Manipur was taken for the research using Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire MLQ (Form 5x-Short). The data were analysed using ordinal regression and the spearman correlation coefficient. It has been found that 55% of leadership effectiveness is subject to exhibition of either transactional or transformational leadership style. The study highlighted that leadership effectiveness is increased by 2.213 for every unit increase in transformational leadership style as compare to transactional style. However, for every unit increase in transactional leadership style, leadership effectiveness increased by 1.329. The above comparison shows that transformational leadership style is more effective than transactional leadership style in Small and Medium firms in Manipur.


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How to Cite

A STUDY ON THE EFFECTIVENESS OF TRANSACTIONAL AND TRANSFORMATIONAL STYLES OF LEADERSHIP. (2022). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 1(2), 6-11. https://doi.org/10.55829/010202

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