



Team effectiveness, Conflict management, Cultural context, Team empowerment, Productivity, Organizational behaviour, Group Dynamics


This study explores how conflict management strategies and interventions can enhance team effectiveness across diverse cultural contexts. The research examines the interplay between team empowerment, knowledge sharing, intra-group conflict, and team performance. A review of 26 academic publications on team dynamics, conflict management, and their impact on team effectiveness was conducted. Archival research methods were employed, including a systematic search strategy for relevant articles and a thematic analysis approach to extract key themes. The findings suggest that team empowerment can influence knowledge sharing and intra-group conflict. Cultural dimensions, such as power distance and collectivism, are argued to moderate the effectiveness of conflict management strategies. The research highlights the need for culturally- sensitive interventions to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Future research avenues are proposed, emphasizing the importance of intervention studies to explore the effectiveness of various conflict management strategies across cultures.


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How to Cite

ENHANCING TEAM EFFECTIVENESS THROUGH CONFLICT MANAGEMENT: STRATEGIES AND INTERVENTIONS. (2024). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 3(4), 16-25. https://doi.org/10.55829/ijmpr.v3i4.242

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