


Marketing, Sensory branding, Behavioral Aspects, Consumer perspectives


Sensory branding is contemporary marketing that is connected with the senses with reference to brand. It is connected with customers on emotional and behavioral aspects. Many researchers have used sensory elements in their research such as vision, touch, sound, smell, and taste. (Lindstrom, 2005; Wansink, 2003). Considering strong research gap, current study investigates the consumer perception towards sensory branding. Current study has adopted single cross sectional research design based on primary research in Gujarat. Data analysis is done using SPSS. Study provides strong implications to marketers and society as a whole.

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How to Cite

SENSORY BRANDING IN GUJARAT- CONSUMER PERSPECTIVES POST COVID-19. (2023). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 2(1), 97-107.

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