employability, socio economic status, technical education, engineers in IndiaAbstract
India is the diverse country and the diversity extends to the engineering graduates across states. Technical education in India has scaled over the last decade boasting of 1000s of Engineering colleges spread across the length and breadth of the country producing over half a million Engineering graduates annually. The objectives of this study are to find out the relationship between socio-economic status and employability skills among the engineering graduates in India, particularly in Tamil Nadu. As reported in The Hindu dated October 07, 2023,Anna University Vice Chancellor has Emphasised the importance of diverse skill of Tamil Nadu may be known for its massive number of engineering colleges, but the graduates they produce do not top in employability. The students in most of the engineering colleges are from different socio-economic status/background coming from different places. The socio economic status of the family plays an important role in the personality development of the students. The present study tries to find the extent to which the socio economic status is a barrier in being employable and provides means to overcome the present day menace of unemployability.
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