
  • Ashokkumar Rathod Research Scholar, Gujarat University
  • Jayvirsinh Vaghela Senior Research Fellow, Gujarat University
  • Kuldip Parikh Senior Research Fellow, Gujarat University
  • Nikul Parmar Senior Research Fellow, Gujarat University




Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are pivotal to economic growth, contributing significantly to employment and industrial development. Despite their importance, these enterprises frequently encounter financial challenges that hinder their growth and stability. This study explores the financial issues faced by MSMEs through a sample of 120 respondents from Ahmedabad city, using a detailed questionnaire to collect data. The research reveals that MSMEs, especially those in urban areas and engaged in manufacturing, face varied financial difficulties influenced by their business nature and ownership structure. Key findings highlight a predominant reliance on personal savings and informal financial sources, indicating gaps in formal financial support. The study's originality lies in its targeted analysis of different enterprise profiles and financial solutions, offering insights into improving financial assistance tailored to MSME needs. The results underscore the need for policy interventions and innovative financial products to better support these vital enterprises.


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How to Cite

EVALUATING THE FINANCIAL PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF MICRO AND SMALL-SCALE ENTERPRISES OF AHMEDABAD CITY. (2025). International Journal of Management, Public Policy and Research, 4(1), 20-29. https://doi.org/10.55829/ijmpr.v4i1.262